About Us

Mission Statements

We humbly strive to strengthen our local food infrastructure with eyes wide open to the limits of a small team and two small trucks.  Our goal is to help local producers sell more products to local people.  As we strengthen our own system and demonstrate viability we want to broaden access to local food beyond the exclusionary price local foods so often demand.  The future is near and we darn well better keep preparing.

Friends - and yes....corporations are people....

R.R. Charlebois, Inc. - New & Used Heavy Trucks, Service, Parts and Financing with locations around Northeastern United States

Home - Bellavance Trucking


Intervale Food Hub


From a stint with Greenpeace in the early 80’s to dabbling in politics, constant learning and writing, and working with local communities to push for energy conservation, Jim’s sharpest passion has been protecting this earth. Look for his letters at VT Digger, the St. Albans Messenger, and news of his current projects around creating healthy soil, especially use of Johnson-Su compost


Interested in joining our network?

We work with store owners, employees, and producers to stock the products that show up in your pantry.  Help us in our pursuit of good food and good people!

Contact Us

[email protected] | 802.825.7982

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