Pumpkin Village Syrup!? (where’s my green wind??)
Yes…It’s both sad and exciting. We’ve run out of Grade A Medium Amber from our 2012 season!
It was a quite poor season for everyone in 2012. We made about 1/2 the crop as 2011. There was a week of almost 80 degree weather in Mid-March that caused the trees to start budding. Once this happens the quality of sap, and thus syrup, declines significantly. As a neighbor said, they shouldn’t call it maple syrup, but syrup from maple trees at that point.
We are not interested in making low quality syrup. Some people continued to collect and process sap, in order to sell it on the bulk market for commercial use at about half the rate paid for quality maple syrup. Beware: I tasted some syrup labeled Grade A Dark Amber in a friends’ fridge that hardly tasted like maple syrup… some of this off flavored stuff is bound to make it into retail packaging.
I’ve been luck enough to be able to select some of the best syrup from a few neighbors. Thanks to the kindness of these producers, letting me pick through their barrels, I can still bring you excellent single-source maple syrup straight from Franklin County, VT to “the city”. Please let me know what you think.
Instead of simply labeling this stuff as Green Wind Farm, the name of the producers will be on the back of the jar. I hope you appreciate this full disclosure. Look for even more full disclosure in the future when you will be able to track the day the syrup was made, the day it was canned, and perhaps even some back story about what was happening at Green Wind Farm the day of production!